Support our Vocations Fund
Thank you for your continued support of the Vocations Fund. The Knights Of Columbus Barney Gonyea Council 7109 make annual donations to three seminarians. Austin and Mark are located at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, while John Paul is located at St. Joseph Seminary College. Austin Smith is from Nativity parish in Brandon. Mark Wegener is from St. Anthony the Abbot, Brooksville. John Paul Grabowski is from Catholic Student Center, USF – Tampa.
Vocations Sponsors! Thank you for your support!
Mark Barrett, David and Patricia Behrle, Patrick and Beatrice Boland, James and Jean Burris, John and Sharon Cathcart, Christopher and Debra Constantine, John Coyne, Joseph and Biagia D’Amelio, Douglas and Carol DeWolfe, Peter Demzak, Jerome Dewberry, Frank and Angela Di Mattei, Jonathan Di Mattei, Francisco and Mildred Diaz Estrella, Terry and Shirley Drake, Robert and Zoe Dufour, Robert and Patricia Ehrman, Philip and Janet Farney, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Charles and Raquel Friesema, William and Marie Gallant, John and Peggy Gohman II, Joel Gray, Gerald and Lorraine Grubba, Thomas and Anne Harkins, Thomas Hart Jr, Paul and Rose Marie Harvey, David and Donna Heezen, Kevin and Gidet Hernandez, Joseph and Sandra Hocherl, Jarret Honahan, George and Claire Inderwies, Steven and Anne Marie Ippolito, Eugene and Karen Jajuga, Shawn and Pattie Jajuga, Gregory and Kim Juedes, Peter and Nancy Jula, Matthew Killeen, William and Katherine Krajeski, Tom and Margaret Krivchenia, Frank and Deborah Laffey, James and Maria Lankford, Stephen Leger, Santo and Karen Loparo Jr, Frank and Juliann Marsalek, Frank and Cindy McEwen, Charles McEwen Sr, Kevin McMullen, Stuart Miller, James and Phyllis Montali, Adel Nammour, David Neal, Chris Nesci, James and Patricia Nolf, Thomas and Carolyn O’Rourke, Mark and Melissa Ostapowicz, Todd and Margaret Owers, Donald and Carol Palacheck, John and Susanne Papa, Gerald and Holly Pappa, Paul and Virginia Pappas, Brandon and Mirela Parrinello, Mark and Christine Peterman, Richard Roberto Jr, John and Kathleen Ruckart, Peter and Susanne Salesses, Morgan Sheafer Sr, James and Karin Smith, Thomas and Janet Stanko, Matthew and Julie Sunski, Walberto and Ramona Vazquez, Steven and Jaclyn Verba, Eugene and Rita Wolanin, Mario Zaccaria